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In 9th-century China, during the Tang Dynasty, the Emperor is locked in a fierce battle for power against a group of ruthless eunuchs who control the royal court. When he tries to take down their leader, Qiu Shi Liang, the plan fails. The eunuchs strike back, killing the Emperor’s most loyal minister and wiping out his entire family—except for two twin daughters who manage to escape.

The sisters, Cheng Ruo Yu and Qiu Yan Zhi, go into hiding and end up on very different paths. Yan Zhi secretly joins Qiu Shi Liang’s household, plotting revenge from within. Meanwhile, Ruo Yu pledges her loyalty to the young Emperor Qi Yan, training as a warrior to help him take down the eunuchs once and for all. As she fights by his side, a romance blossoms between them.

But when the Emperor learns who Ruo Yu really is—and her hidden connection to his greatest enemy—will he still trust her? Or will her secret tear them apart just as the battle for the kingdom reaches its peak?

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