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Why dont have part 21?...


dont have 21 ?...


Links for this series are fixed. :)...


I enjoyed this drama very much. It has a combination of ...


Thank for your best kind that alway upload the new movie...


  • sho

    bong rei!!!!…thanks alot! ^_______________^

  • Rei

    You welcome Sho.

    Ps- I’m not a fan of fairy series so hopefully others will enjoy it.

  • ironfingers

    Hey Sleepy! Thanks, funny I am not a fan of fairy series or this dubbing company, but so far I like this series, it’s pretty funny.

  • K-Bross

    i don’t know but i thing i like khmer2Doves dubbed butter then SPPIC, and plus they video have butter quality….I got to many of the same TV series that dubbed by 2Doves and SPPIC, and when i compare them series together, i think 2Doves have more original quality then SPPIC…. SPPIC quality suck….

  • ironfingers

    SPPC quality is not as original compared to 2Doves, but they do a better job editing out the television watermarks. I do ate how SPPc add in their own music score, that makes the series out of place , for example the stupid deck the hall melody they play at the background sometimes. But I do like their voice actor better, they sound more fitting for ancient series, rather then 2Doves, when they sound more modern, their conversation is more flowing, rather then choppy, I don’t mind the supporting male voice , but the main girls voice and the supporting women and men sound very annoying and old, not fitting for the young actress. Sorry sleepy haha for another debate, I do appeciciate all the upload, and so far enjoy this series, it also has to do with some han dynasty history as well.

    Read this novel called “Ballad of the deserts” which is also an up and coming series, I hope SPP will dubbed, has similar characters to this series, that makes it a bit interesting too.

  • Rei

    Hey not a problem. =] I have to be in the mood myself to watch series dubbed by Two Doves — they are more fitting for modern dramas, which is not a genre I normally watch. But you guys are right with the visual quality in comparison to SPP.

    I tend not to watch fairy series because they seem to be quite similar and predictable. Let me know how this one goes, if it’s worth going through all 55 episodes lol.

  • K-Bross

    2Doves and SPPIC voice they all good in they own way..Like Khmer2Doves is good for dubbed Jin-So-Mie TV series, and SPPIC is good for dubbed Jin-BoRan TV series… Then when SPPIC try to dubbed Jin-So-Mie Series it sound stupid, some how it don’t fix they voice…. But I still like 2Doves better

  • K-Bross

    This TV series is okey but i’m not a fan faiy…. I seen this in a cartoon once when i was a kid cause i remember that two fish, can’t remember the title…

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