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It is referred to as the Stone Age, Caveman or Hunter-Ga...


Thanks a bunch for the kind words linny, and everyone el...


omg, I had to sign up just to comment this.. Rei, you al...


Hi Bong. The voice actually sounds great now! Thanks aga...


Hi Bong Rei. If u can please upload the the SPP Version,...


  • cindy

    Hello,Rei. Thank you very much for upload a SPPCI a dubbed but part 02&16 not working can you check.

  • M

    Thanks Rei! for more episodes. How far to go? I cannot put the story off my mind until the end….lol, I gave up JameBond movie in Imax for this video series…lol…

    • Rei

      Your too funny loll. Part 50 is the last episode and I’m planning to finish it by Monday.

      • M

        OK! Rei, I’m losing my bet, but you make my Niece very happy. She laughs louder than both of us after reading your comments. Now, I have to take her to IMax theater. Before I go, just checking, you didn’t see her email, or blog somewhere…

      • Rei

        Glad she’s happy lol. I didn’t see any emails or blogs, where to read it heh? So yeah, enjoy the IMax show.

      • M

        Thanks Rei! We had lot of fun. Now, at home, she makes me laugh harder and she asks me to tell you that she didn’t send you any emails, nor blogs. But, she sent her message to you through her spell which she’s learned from one of Thai Lakorn uploaded by Chenna. Sorry Rei, you’re under her spell…LOL…have a good weekend.

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