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It is referred to as the Stone Age, Caveman or Hunter-Ga...


Thanks a bunch for the kind words linny, and everyone el...


omg, I had to sign up just to comment this.. Rei, you al...


Hi Bong. The voice actually sounds great now! Thanks aga...


Hi Bong Rei. If u can please upload the the SPP Version,...


  • sreyoun

    I want to watch this movie sooo bad but wanted to wait until SPP dubbed instead. Gosh tempting to watch this right now even though the voice is annoying.

  • chana95

    when is your next update???

  • Cambo

    I don’t get the big fuzz about the voice preference. This version is clear and sound much better than whatever you guys are waiting for. I assumed you guys are those Cambodian who can’t speak Khmer clearly? If you are one of those then I understand. I could see why you would prefer one type of version over the other because you don’t know any better. If I am wrong please let me know and don’t get offended.

    Rei, speaking of Twin Brothers 2012, people did have the same complaint. I am just trying to see where they are coming from. Unrelated, but just feel like I have to say it, because a lot of young Cambodian can’t speak let alone understand Khmer. I think it is very SAD. I see comments all the time on youtube or other places where other Cambodian stated that they don’t know their own language. Not being able to read or write it I completely understand because I don’t either, but speaking and understand it, come on.

    • Rei

      Hey Cambo, nice to see you hanging around here. They were referring to the prior version in which I have already removed. I actually watched the “inferior” Two Doves version with Twin of Brothers first and was fine with it. Sometimes you gotta just learn how to adapt when there isn’t much of a choice. I guess some folks are just spoiled. 🙂

      Yeah it’s just unfortunate that Khmer is/will be a forgotten language.

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